1 Book Description Package
Two Payments

Best for first-time authors
– Save 10%+ off the standard price!
– Custom, done-for-you book description ($297 value)
Unlimited revisions ($197 value)
– Premium formatting with Amazon HTML code ($97 value)
– Copy for one Facebook direct sales ad ($97 value)
– 10 headlines for Amazon advertising copy ($97 value)
– Bonus: 30 days of email support from Bryan ($297 value)
– Completed for you in just one month
Total Value = $1,000+

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3 Book Description Package
Two Payments

Most popular multi-pack offer
– Save 17%+ off the standard price!
– Custom, done-for-you book descriptions
Unlimited revisions
– Premium formatting (3x)
– Copy for one Facebook direct sales ad (3x)
– 10 headlines for Amazon advertising copy (3x)
– Bonus #1: 30 Days of Email Support
($297 value)
– Bonus #2: 2 Group Coaching Classes with Bryan ($497 value)
– Completed for you in just one month
Total Value = $2,700+

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5 Book Description Package
Two Payments

Best value
– Save 28%+ off the standard price!
– Custom, done-for-you book descriptions (5x)
Unlimited revisions (5x)
– Premium formatting with Amazon HTML code (5x)
– Copy for one Facebook direct sales ad (5x)
– 10 headlines for Amazon advertising copy (5x)
– Bonus #1: 30 Days of Email Support
($297 value)
– Bonus #2: Two Group Coaching Sessions ($497 value)
– Bonus #3: Two One-on-One Sessions with Bryan ($797 value)
– Completed for you in just one month
Total Value = $5,000+

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